Friday, 20 January 2012

Xanders first poo!

Matthew took the day off today so we could spend the day with the boys and we loved spending so much time with them.

We registered out boys today - Xander William Fox and Joseph Devereux Fox. We are officially parents!!!

Xander was still on his Sipap (not Ccap as i've been calling it!) and doing so well! He was on a good amount of Oxygen and looking very comfortable sleeping away on his tummy. Joseph was still doing well but back on the ventilator tube - poor little thing.

We were both looking at Joseph praying he gets strong enough to get that tube out when I heard a little noise. I thought it was one of the other babies in the ward crying but it was so little..I turned to look at Xander and it was him crying! We heard our baby cry! Of course I burst into tears (of happiness) and placed my hand on his to settle him. My baby did a big grown up cry! What an amazing little sound! We were so proud of him for making his first little cry.

The nurse asked if Matthew wanted to change his nappy and he nervously accepted! It's a very tricky job with all the tubes and wires sticking out but he did so well!

Matthew was so proud of himself and told the nurses that they'd probably never seen a nappy so well constructed before...typical!

We then spoke to the doctor about little Joseph - the bigger twin who you'd think would be coping better. They had done a scan and found that he had a valve open in his chest which is why he wasn't managing without the big ventilation tube. My heart sank but they say that with a few days of medication he may be ok and they may try again. There's also the option of steroids but we want to avoid that if possible. He did so well later in the day when they put a new line in his leg so that's one less thing to worry about.

We left Joseph to rest a lot today as he's been meddled with so much and needs to build his strength -bless him.

Xander was doing so well later in the day that I was allowed a cuddle!! It was the most amazing feeling having my little one resting inside my top next to my beating heart and enjoying the skin to skin. I was so nervous that I was crushing him or pulling out a tube but it all went well and I cant wait to feel him in my arms again. I'm sure no parent takes this moment for granted but I thought it would be weeks away and will treasure that moment forever.

Look at his little face so happy and snug. Love them both so much. One day i'll be able to hold both of them in my arms...come on little Joseph, dont let your brother take all the glory!

It's hard to show just how small the boys are so have a look at his foot in Matthews wedding ring.

The nurse was changing Xanders nappy later in the day (funny how she didn't let Matthew pro nappy changer Fox have another go) and we noticed he'd done a little poo! A great sign! As she was changing him, he decided it was the right time to let it all go and a lot more came out - such a good boy! Chris was visiting at the time so I think Xander was showing off...

The boys have had so many visitors already and cant wait to meet more of our friends and family who have all been just incredible. They've already met Granny and Grandpa Englefield, Aunty Sarah and Uncle Jan, Aunty Olive, Nana and Pops Fox, Aunty Julia and Uncle Richard, Natasha, Brendon, Tim, Becky, Gibbo, Rob, David, Pip..such popular little guys already!!

From Daddies perspective:
Today I can honestly say I felt like a proper dad for the first time. Not because the boys made any incredible strides forward (although they have both had their little victories throughout the day) but because I have spent the whole day with them, changed nappies, read them the newspaper, chatted to them, showed them off to my oldest friend and felt beyond anything, that immense pride in everything they achieved. I don't have much more detail to add except that I'm so happy that Chris (one of my two Best Men and the friend I was Best Man to in November) was there to see so many milestones this afternoon and that I got to show my little fellas off to him.

It was clear he had so much love and affection towards the guys but also he did everything all our friends are doing so well, made sure Soph and I were ok and keeping strong for our two boys. I have no doubt that the things Chris witnessed today he will be recounting to the boys for decades to come and I know he treasured the time he spent with them and I know I always will. Today was a magical day, changing my first nappy, watching Xander being put up Sophie's top and keeping such a close eye on Joseph has made me realise how within just five days, these guys have become my world and how much I love Soph for providing them to me. Rest strong my two special men, we have lots of fun times ahead.

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